Thursday, February 7, 2013

Are SCUBA Shows Important?

This is a question being tossed around a lot today. So I felt an urge to put in my views. Dive shows are very important, because each show helps the local market in many different ways. Let’s take a look at some.
DIVERS: They all benefit from a show by being able to see new product, and having their questions answered by the manufacturer. They also can look at great dive destinations to pick their next vacation. Many shows have seminars that are fun and educational. The workshops will help them learn more about specialty diving, photography, equipment and more. Most shows have an evening film festival that can be both enjoyable and educational. Each presentation and booth’s target audience is the diver, and they can find a wealth of information at dive shows.
DIVE STORES: Local stores benefit from a show in many ways. They can sell a lot of unique items there that divers may not see in the store, and they can highlight product that may get swept aside in day-to-day sales. They can also promote their trips and classes and meet new customers. For the dive center, it is a great way to get your name out there or to keep it in the public view and increase sales.
DESTINATIONS: A nice travel destination will do well as people walk around looking for a place to go. Many stores offer trips but they may not have one going when the diver is available; a show can help them book a trip at a time that is convenient for them. Don’t forget that local charters can benefit as well, since they can present their schedule for the upcoming season and remind local divers of the interesting dive sites they can visit in their own backyards.
TRAINING AGENCIES: Most training agencies find a strong benefit to be at each show so they can promote their training style and course options. Customers can visit with the different agencies and make educated decisions on their next course, whether recreational or professional. Where else can you hear the benefits of a particular course from the person who knows it best: the agency representative? Also, agencies can do updates and display their training material.
Manufacturers: They do very well at shows. Most dive centers cannot stock all the items a company sells. However, a consumer can visit them at a dive show and discuss their product and its benefits and features. The manufacturers can also explain technical information to the diver when needed. The local show gives a manufacturer a great opportunity to show off their brand.

So, a dive show is a win-win for everyone. I know that, here in the Midwest, the Our World-Underwater Dive and Travel Expo is one of the ways we kickoff the season and think about warm places, especially after a brutally cold winter. It is our weekend escape. So don’t forget to check out your own local dive show!


1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree with you. Scuba shows is one way to promote scuba diving for those who are into it. It is a good idea for me.
