Friday, February 25, 2011

Lionfish, the Beautiful Outlaw

Another great presentation at Our World-Underwater’s Film Festival, and probably the most entertaining, was Lionfish, the Beautiful Outlaw by Paul Carter Deaton. Talk about a timely film. Lionfish Hysteria has been running rampid, and the documentary attempts to examine whether the hysteria is justified. From the opening scene you know you’re in for something different. The interviews ground the film in quality insight, while the pacing and humor entertain as well as educate. I think my personal-favorite scene in the film is the final live performance of Lionfish, Lionfish: Kill, Kill, Kill. Check it out.

Paul Cater Deaton is an award-winning Writer, Producer, Director and Cinematographer, based in the Virgin Islands and Batavia, Illinois. Shooting on six continents over three decades, Paul has earned numerous industry accolades. 

His underwater camera skills were honed in oceans and seas all over the world. Paul specializes in production relative to SCUBA diving and adventure travel, and is a highly sought-after Underwater Camera Operator. He is a SCUBA Instructor and expert Rescue Diver, certified in Nitrox and Rebreathers, and has thousands of hours of underwater camera experience. Paul is a popular speaker and emcee, making appearances from coast to coast to coast. He is also lead singer for The Wetsuits, the world's only All Underwater Photographers Band!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ernie Brooks at Our World-Underwater

Last weekend in Chicago was a wild one, with Our World-Under sending waves through the West Side. One of my favorite presentations of the weekend was at the Film Festival Saturday night. Ernie Brooks gave a sideshow of images from his new book Silver Seas: a Retrospective. Ernie Brooks’ Black and White photos use silver-gray, black, and white tones to expose the light streaming through his images, silhouettes his subjects, and transform the textures found in abundance in Ernie’s underwater world.

Ambassador to the Marine Environment Photographer, Adventurer, Diver and Educator Ernest H. Brooks II was born to be a photographer. His Portuguese ancestry, rich in men-of-the-sea, virtually insured the ocean environment would play an important role in his life. As the son of Ernest H. Brooks, founder of the internationally-renowned Brooks Institute of Photography, Mr. Brooks was destined to follow in his father's footsteps for part of his life's journey before forging his own path.

Mr. Brooks has been a trailblazer in the development of underwater photographic equipment and technique, and has witnessed great industry advances. And though he has harnessed and implemented much of that new technology, at a time when a plethora of color underwater photographs illustrate magazines and glossy brochures, he, perhaps surprisingly, favors black and white. "I don't think that blue, an inherent color of the ocean, really adds to many photographs, especially of mammals - and I like the quality of black and white. Also, I get the personal satisfaction of working with black and white in being able to control the development and printing." The ocean and underwater photography are among his main interests. In the pursuit of dramatic marine images, he has descended into the fascinating waters beneath the polar icecaps as well as into the depths of almost every ocean on Earth.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Akona's Success is in the Bag!!!

I can't wait for you to see this new bag from Akona.
It's a Regulator Bag when your packing,

  ...and when you get to your destination it expands into a full sized dive mesh Bag! 

It's made of strong a 420 nylon outer shell, and nylon reinforced mesh. The Regulator bag is well padded, and the mesh bag gives you a whopping 4872 cubic inches of room to haul your gear out to the beach, or onto the boat. Stop by Scuba Emporium to see, feel, zip, and unzip the new Akona Collapsible Mesh/Regulator Bag; or check it out on our webpage.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thriving 'Middle Light' Reefs Found in Puerto Rico

Lately news about our sea always seems to be about its decline, so it was very exciting to come across a story about a healthy - thriving reef on the NOAA website.

In La Parguera, Puerto Rico scientist found a 12-mile wide Mesophotic (or Middle-Light) Reef. Mesophotic reefs are reefs that grow at the deepest level that light-dependent coral reefs can survive. The Le Parguera reef starts at around 100 feet and is still showing growth as deep as 330 feet.

Little has been known about these Middle-Light reefs, because the technology for scientists to explore at those depths had been so limited. Now however, as the techniques and equipment used in tech diving becomes more available and user friendly for everyone, these reef are beginning to be explored. Check out the beauty of these reefs.

Credit: H. Ruíz

What is really exciting is how groupers, reef sharks, and snappers still thrive on these beautiful reefs. These fish, which were once so common on shallower reefs, can restore the depleted fish stocks once the heath of the shallower reefs, are restored.

So lets get involved and work together to protect these Mesophotic Reefs, as we work to rescue our more popular Shallow Reefs. Check out Project AWARE’s website.  Sign up for one of Scuba Emporium’s ecologically centered diving specialties; like Coral Reef Conservation and Project AWARE. And most importantly keep diving, exploring, and sharing what’s under the surface with your friends and family; so we can continue to remember everything there is to protect, above and below the surface, of this beautiful blue world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Babblin’ about Bubbles

It’s a PARTY! And at Scuba Emporium we PARTY BIG!!!

There will be Door Prizes, Giveaways, Pizza, Beer, Wine, Soda, and lots of Babblin’. We’ll be sharin’ stories, takin’ about great new class packages, catchin' up with old friends and meetin' new ones. Grab your dive buddy, or drinkin’ buddy, and drop by the party at Scuba Emporium Tuesday, February 15th at 6:30

The night is free, but please call the store at (708) 226-1614 to register so we know how much food and drink to bring, and anyone who registers before Friday, February 11th will be entered into a special Early Bird Drawing.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Mentor Program

Had my first meeting for the Mentor Program at Scuba Emporium today, it looks like its going to be a GREAT year. I can't wait!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Why dive with a Magnifying Glass?

Because you are missing this amazing rice-grain sized guy (and all his friends) without it. This guys name is Daphnia, and this macro-life/fresh-water creature can grow its own spear and helmet when threatened by an attacker. It sounds like fiction, but it's true.

In March Scuba Emporium has a trip heading to West Palm Beach Florida. One of the sites we will be diving is Blue Heron Bridge, which is well known for its amazing macro-life. So next time you take the plunge, in fresh or salt water, grab a magnifying glass, spend some time hovering still over some rock, coral, or wreck; and watch a whole new world unfold under your lens.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

NEW! Mares X-Stream Fin!!!

Check out our newest fin here at Scuba Emporium. The new Mares X-Stream fin, for x-stream comfort and efficiency.

The X-stream performance, comfort and lightweight design are the incredible result of sixty passionate years at the service of diving. The X-stream is truly a leap into the future, and changes forever how Mares envision the creation of a fin. More than 2 years of resources, experiments and testing and four Mares patents all concentrated in one unique product

Stop in to Scuba Emporium and try them on; the lightweight comfort will blow you away! If you can’t make it in find more information on them on our website.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Go Pro Night at Scuba Emporium with Gary Joyce --- February 15th

Go PRO —Scuba Diving Careers

Love Your Job, Your Lifestyle and Your Freedom

Get a life worth living:  become a PADI Professional
You’ll do things others only dream of. Whether you work in a local dive shop at a dive resort or on a liveaboard dive boat, the adventure of a lifetime is yours for the taking.
Imagine a job where you actually look forward to work in the morning. Sailing into incredible sunsets could be the rule, not the exception, especially if you work in a tropical dive destination. The commute to work could be as easy as a ten-minute boat ride and work becomes an adventure in itself.

Whether you're interested in a dive career or just want more information about continuing your dive education, join PADI Regional Manager Gary Joyce for an exciting and informative Go Pro Seminar at Scuba Emporium Tuesday, February 15th at 6:30.

The night also includes door prizes, giveaways, pizza, beer, wine, and soda. The night is free, but please call the store at (708) 226-1614 to register so we know how much food and drink to bring, and all who register before Friday, February 11th will be entered into a special Early Bird Drawing.

Already a Pro? Share why you wanted to Go Pro with everyone in the comment boxes.

Snow closes Scuba Emporium

I can not tell you when we had to close, but 18 inches has put us at a complete stop. But I have time to work on Our World-Underwater, the show is less tha three weeks away.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ice Diving at Haigh Quarry ----- March 5th and 6th

We've got the dates for our annual Ice Diving weekend! So grab your friends, dry suits, and a cup of hot chocolate, and head out to Haigh Quarry with us March 5th and 6th. Give us a call at (708)  226-1614 and let us know you're coming, so we can give you more details and help you plan the day. See you there.

Our World-Underwater ----- February 18th-20th

Our World-Underwater     February 18-20, 2011   Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, IL

If you’re a long time scuba diver, or just interested in finding out more about one of the fastest growing and most adventurous pastimes out there, don’t miss the Our World-Underwater show this month. Our World-Underwater has been educating and entertaining the Midwest for 41 years. The weekend of February 18th, 19th, and 20th is jammed packed with Workshops, Children’s Programs, Seminars, and more. A quick click through the 61 Presenter Bios, on the Our World-Underwater website, will give you an idea of the incredible talent that this convention brings together; and a quick click on their Children’s Programs  and 2011 Film Festival pages will give you good idea of all the fun they have planned for young and old alike. A wide variety of dive industry manufactures will be there to give Clinics on everything from the fitting, maintenance, and repair of Regulators, BCDs, and Dry Suits, to Packing for Exotic Travel.

So check out the Our World-Underwater website, for the weekend's schedule and to buy your tickets. Then get ready for an amazing weekend!