So why is a fish that is so beloved in the Pacific the newest Evil Boogeyfish of the Atlantic and Caribbean? Because it breeds at an amazing rate, it eats a large number of tiny reef fish, and it has no natural predators here to keep it in check.
So how do we thin the herd until balance is returned to the reef?
I would say PADI’s new Invasive Lionfish Tracker Specialty would be a great way to start. The Invasive Lionfish Tracker Specialty class will teach you about the skills and equipment you need to successfully capture, transfer, transport, and euthanize a Lionfish: without incident or injury. And by a surprising coincidence Scuba Emporium’s newest specialty is Invasive Lionfish Tracker.
Then the only question left is… what do you do with all these tasty, humanely euthanized Lionfish?
I say Eat ‘em Up!

And if you want to learn more about the how the Lionfish is being dealt with in the Caribbean, check out two of our previous posts Shark are Showing their Worth Again and Lionfish, the Beautiful Outlaw.
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